The Global Healing Response is 20 years old in 2025! We have been responding to disasters, emergencies and holding healing intentions for two decades.
The GHR is a simple plan using the labyrinth and the labyrinth community for collective healing and to promote calm and grief integration in the case of an emergency or disaster.
Annual Themes and Quarterly Intentions
Each year the GHR has a theme and a focus that changes for the quarter. Materials are available for intentional labyrinth walks that can be conducted at any time around the world in a group or alone.
Responses to Disasters & Emergencies
When there is a disaster or emergency, materials are created for a unified response for the labyrinth community to open their labyrinths and share with the world to provide peace and healing.
Dear Ellen,
Thank You for producing the Global Healing Response Quarterly.
I have been inspired by your work for years. Your contribution and dedication to helping to heal our planet is especially needed now.
Love to you!
I echo your words Carrie. The impact of GHR’s service, and our combined intentions, is undoubtedly very significant, and desperately needed.
Hi Ellen, On December 31, 1986 my husband and I were involved with an event called “AN INSTANT OF COOPERATION”. It was a moment in time when thousands of people all over the world stopped to pray or meditate for world peace!
It seems to me that this is a time for another such moment! I wonder if labyrinth walkers from all over the world (prayers and meditators) could be organized to create a similar moment…a moment where enough people focusing on one purpose, peace, could create a critical mass enough to shift the consciousness of the world to a higher place…a place where war cannot exist!
Do you have the resources, connections to bring together those kinds of numbers?!?
I would do what ever is needed to help!
❤️Janice (trained labyrinth facilitator)
I intend to be in the light of the healing circle today and every Friday as well.
thank you for your guidance.
[email protected]