The theme for GHR 2019 is Intention. The study of the energy of intention is fascinating—the science, the possibilities and how to maximize it for healing. Using this science, I have created a three-step process that dovetails beautifully with the use of the labyrinth to create healing for ourselves, our communities and the world.
It’s often said, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Right? Well, perhaps we can look at intention a little differently. Not as what we intend to DO but how we intend to BE— how we “set our course” each day. Science is finding that our intention is an actual energy we emit and communicate to others. Think of the light we see from a star. It may be thousands of years old, but the light still goes out into the universe and we see it. It hasn’t disappeared. So, goes our energy we put out into the world.
GHR Q1: Attention
The first quarter of 2019 we will begin our process for healing with intention by paying Attention. The quote I used for this quarter from Jonathon Lockwood Huie feels especially appropriate today, “I hold my course with focused attention and relentless commitment, as I weather the storms of life.” It is -27 here in Chicago and I know many of you in the Northern Hemisphere are suffering from sub normal temperatures today, too (and if you are somewhere warm and sunny, well…lucky you!) As Wayne Dyer says, “Our intention creates our reality.”
This might be a nice time to pay attention to what you are putting out in the world. Is it representing who you want to be? Take gentle care of yourself and find out why it doesn’t align, if that is the case. Or, celebrate your awesomeness if you are rockin’ it!
In the materials I have used The Rev. Warren Lynn’s meditation again because it is perfect for what we are beginning to do this year: Center, Connect, Send Forth Healing. And, I chose the Statue of Liberty as the symbol because she calls our attention to remember kindness, welcome and healing through all weather and storms.
As you lead walks this quarter it might be nice to ask participants to pay attention to a certain aspect of the walk (be creative!), what they are feeling (Balanced? Anxious? Peaceful? Connected?)
GHR Q2, 3 and 4
The second quarter focus will be “Focus” (not a typo 😉), the third quarter will be “Connection” and the fourth quarter will be “Amplification.” Throughout the year we will learn more about this three-step process I have created for healing.
In April I will be in Hiawatha, Iowa leading a workshop and in June I will be with the Labyrinth Summer School, too. Hope you can join us. Let me know if you would like more information. Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.
With Hope and Healing, Ellen Bintz Meuch
Global Healing Resource Quarterly
2019 Theme: Intention
Our intention creates our reality —Wayne Dyer
Focus: Attention
Quote: “I hold my course with focused attention and relentless
commitment, as I weather the storms of life.” —Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Picture/symbol: The Statue of Liberty is a vision of strength through all storms and calls our attention to remember kindness, welcome and healing.
Before we can create an intention, we first pay attention to where we are in life. Can we execute an intention if our energy isn’t centered and strong? I am repeating Warren Lynn’s two step prayer so we can pay attention to how we each feel as we enter the labyrinth and then pay attention to how we can help others as we exit.
Walking into the labyrinth….
Walk into Lightness
The peace of All Peace be mine on this path.
Let all tumult of life’s storms within me cease.
May the weight of heavy burdens release;
The diminishing shackles upon me drop free from my soul
May True Light illuminate the habitations of my dark shadows, setting me free from all forms of suffering.
Walking out of the labyrinth…
Send Forth Healing
Envisioning what Light, Peace and Love is needed in the world beyond me,
I send empowering energy outward, beyond myself,
Into the shadows, storms and suffering all around.
By my actions, relationships and ways of being
I will participate in the greater community of healing in this world.
—The Rev. Warren Lynn
Ideas for benefiting organization: Veriditas! Let’s support the organization that supported us.
Ideas for ambiance around the labyrinth: Have journaling paper so walkers can write their intentions. Or, create a basket of stones that can have intentions written on them and walkers can hold them as they walk. Ask walkers to pay attention to their heart messages.
Music: I found this beautiful music for focus ( But you could use any music that you find relaxing and centering.
Click here for a PDF version of these materials