GHR 2025 Q1: Authenticity/Groundedness

It’s the Global Healing Response’s 20th Anniversary! As a labyrinth community we have been responding to disasters, emergencies and holding intentions for two decades. That is just amazing to me. The science of collective healing and the power of intentions has come a long way in those years. But we always knew—Never underestimate the power of unified energy and the labyrinth!

This year our theme is Authenticity. As I have researched this during the “bubbling up” phase of deciding on the annual theme I learned so much and could feel the need for the world to be grounded and authentic. This is going to be a great year. During the second quarter we will focus on Grit and then we will look at Honesty and Integrity.

Each quarter let’s consider the theme as an inward action and then also as an outward, worldly action. As we look inward, the words Connection, Foundation, Mindfulness, Openhearted come to mind. And as I consider our world I think of Observant, Aware and Humble. I couldn’t love the quote for this quarter by Steve Goodier more, “Get yourself grounded and you can navigate even the stormiest roads in peace.”

I hope you can take a few minutes to listen to the podcast episode Clive Johnson and I did on Authenticity the first week of January. You can find it here: Impact!: Embracing Authenticity


Focus: Groundedness

Quote: Get yourself grounded and you can navigate even the stormiest roads in peace. —Steve Goodier

Picture/symbol: Standing on solid ground


A Prayer for Groundedness and Connection
Dear Divine Presence,
I step forward with a humble heart, seeking grounding in the midst of life’s challenges.
Root me deeply, like a tree that stands firm in the earth,
anchored in eternal love and wisdom.
Let my spirit be steady and calm,
no matter the storms that may arise around me.

Help me to remember that I am never alone,
that I am connected to all that is —
the Earth beneath me, the sky above me,
and the people I encounter along my path.
Grant me the strength to nurture these connections,
to reach out in compassion,
and to offer love where it is needed most.

May I feel the Divine presence within me,
in the quiet moments and in the bustling days,
a reminder that I am always part of the greater whole.
Guide me to live with intention and balance,
to stay grounded in truth and to be connected to the beauty of life.

Thank you for this sacred connection,
and for the peace that comes from knowing I am rooted in Grace.

Ideas for benefiting organization‎: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI),

Ideas for ambiance around the labyrinth:
River rocks that can symbolize groundedness, nature such as twigs, water, leaves.

Music: Zen Meditation Music, Nature Sounds, Relaxing Music, Calming Music, Healing Music-

A PDF version of these materials can be found here.

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