Response 2024: September/October Hurricanes in SE United States

October 10, 2024: Global Healing Response for victims of Hurricanes Helene and Milton

We would like to implement the Global Healing Response for the victims of the two hurricanes that have hit the United States within two weeks, Helene and Milton. As of this writing, over 3 million people are without power and over 11 million people are suffering from flooding of their homes and communities.

As you might remember from previous Global Healing Responses (Katrina, Haiti, Japan, Hurricane Sandy, Uvalde), the GHR is an international effort through which countless labyrinths will be made available worldwide for people to walk, with a unified intention to bring healing and coherence to the world.

Thank you to The Legacy Labyrinth Project, The Labyrinth Society, and Veriditas for sharing many of the resources provided on this page. And thank you to Rev. Warren Lynn for writing the lovely meditation we will all share.

Blessings to you as you are a catalyst of peace, healing, and love during this time of suffering for so many.

Ellen Bintz Meuch
Founder, Global Healing Response

Global Labyrinth Walk Date: Saturday October 26, 2024, at noon
At your local time. If that day is not convenient, feel free to choose a time that works for you and your community. 

Suggestion for activity:
Gather your community, friends, family or walk alone. Whether you conduct your event in person at a public labyrinth, outdoors or indoors, or even virtually with finger labyrinths, there will be healing energy in the circle you create.

The Process

Step 1: Meditation to center and ground before entering the labyrinth.

We will all use the same meditation that you can read to yourself, prior to saying and walking with your intention. A PDF version of the meditation can be found here.

A Prayerful Proclamation:
We stand with those affected by 2024 Hurricanes
—By The Rev. Warren Lynn October 2024
After violent winds with terrible effect;
Following incredible destruction by surging seas, a deluge of rain, and flooding waterways;
Amidst a frightening cold of collapsed infrastructure;
Fearfully wrestling with: Powerless nights, Empty gas tanks, Foodless shelves;
We witness the wailing of those who have lost everything;
We know of missing neighbors who will not, can not, return.
We wonder at how many still remain cut off from the most basic of care.
Have victims of this season’s hurricanes been abandoned?
Has Mercy rejected them?
From where does help come? To whom can they turn?
Today, OUR response will come.
We claim OUR part in a community of compassion where victims can turn!
In each footstep of our sacred way, we bring back mercy!
Help comes from us in order to restore hope!
Along the path of our spiritual practice we adjust our sight to notice what is missing.
We make the journey to embrace those who are grieving with our gifts of abundant love.
Our actions replace darkness with light.
Our generosity offers hope amidst barren emptiness.
Ours are the footsteps of renewal, A committed pilgrimage to outlast devastation, To help raise again that which has fallen.
Surging waters and violent wind cannot shake us from corridors of compassion.
This we proclaim!
AND this we ask… that Spirit shows us the way, humility helps us become aware, and Purpose gives us what we need —To share ourselves, yes to our thoughts and prayers, but also to our physical efforts and material gifts.
To bring hope to those yet without hope.
Selflessly, Abundantly, with those in need of others to walk with them, toward healing and wholeness, once more.
a PDF version of this meditation can be found here.

Step 2: Global Intention for this walk to hold while walking the labyrinth

Globally, we will all walk with this same intention.

Step 3: Release the intention at the center of the labyrinth

Know the Highest Good will result from it. Visualize the intention has been completed.

Additional Resources:

Finger Labyrinth: Click here for a PDF printable finger labyrinth.

Find a Labyrinth near you: Click here for the Worldwide Labyrinth Locator.

Centering Ourselves: To create peace and healing we must commit to centering ourselves before we form a group and enter the labyrinth. I invite you to watch the videos that were created by The Legacy Labyrinth Project about How to Walk a Labyrinth with Intention and How to create Brain Heart Coherence.

Please let us know when you will be having a walk by posting it on the Global Healing Response Facebook page or as a comment below this post.

A PDF version of all these materials can be found here.

I urge you to pass this information on to anyone (or group) who might be interested in participating in the Global Healing Response. We learned during other responses that those outside the labyrinth community wanted to participate.  Hopefully, that will be the case this time.

Remember, never underestimate the power of the labyrinth AND unified healing energy!

Peace and Healing,

Ellen Bintz Meuch
Founder, Global Healing Response
Legacy Labyrinth Project, Director, Labyrinth Activism
The Labyrinth Society, World Labyrinth Day Coordinator
Veriditas Certified Facilitator

About the author


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