In the first quarter of 2019 we paid attention and then we focused. Now, if we have done what we need for ourselves it is time to join together and make connections. If our individual energy is harmonious we will be stronger in our circles. This focus has a double meaning. We need to see that we are all connected-as science is proving. We also have to be intentional to make connections with others to support, heal and create loving spaces, Sacred spaces. We need this now more than ever.
Blessings and gratitude for all you do to make this world a better place.
Global Healing Response Quarterly
2019 Theme: Intention
Our intention creates our reality —Wayne Dyer
Focus: Connection
Quote: The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together. —William Shakespeare
“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead
Picture/Symbol: Spider web. (Photo by The Rev. Warren Lynn)
Looking into the eyes of another, may I be open to, and affirm, their true self.
As others look to me, may I have the courage to ask for what I need.
As our mutual friendship develops, may we trust, forgive and help heal each other so the energy of our circle ripples into the world.
A printable version of this prayer is available here.
Ideas for benefiting organization: Here are seven organizations that are helping immigrant families:
Ideas for ambiance: Everyone carries a stone with a word that is important to them written on it. As a person passes another, they trade stones. At the end you can process about what stones they received, what it meant to them and what they ended up with. Hopefully a feeling of connection in the circle will develop and each person will feel supported and heard.
Music: Relaxing piano music:
For a PDF version of this material click here