GHR 2024 Q2: Our Planet/ Earth

It’s the second quarter and we are talking about the earth. It’s a big time for mother earth; eclipses, Earth Day, World Labyrinth Day and I’m sure there are more events in store. We know the earth needs our help right now. We haven’t been so kind to it. And yet, it provides sooooo much beauty and awe.

For this quarter I am looking into the use (overuse) of plastics on our planet. How will you choose to honor the earth this quarter? I would love to hear what you are up to.

Thanks for all you do to make the world and this earth a better place.

2024 Theme: Our Planet

“The earth is what we all have in common.” -Wendell Berry


Focus: Earth

Quote: “The earth has music for those who listen.” –William Shakespeare

Picture/Symbol: Grounded and centered, green


A Poem for Earth
In gratitude and love, we pause
and breathe with you, dear planet Earth.
We bask in your vast energy and vivid examples of constant creation and growth.

We bask.

You teach us resilience and faith
as you demonstrate balance over disorder,
hope assuaging loss, and how to bloom despite it all.

We give thanks.

We practice “earthing,” feet anchored in grassy soil
or toes in glittered sand as we absorb your healing ions
and open to ancient whispers from angels
reminding us to grow, grow.

We heal.

—Rev. Bronte Colbert

Ideas for benefiting organization: This page gives 25 organizations that support the environment:

Ideas for ambiance: Potted plants, rocks, sand, fruit, branches, wood logs

Music: Forest 4K • Nature Relaxation Film:

Earth Day is April 22, 2024
World Labyrinth Day is May 4, 2024

For a PDF version of these materials click here.

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