Dear Friends,
We are entering a time of year when there can be so much happiness and joy. But for some it is more difficult. Please be open to noticing the struggle of others while balancing that with the light of these holidays. We must also radiate love for the healing of our struggling world. Every bit of light we can put into the universal field DOES make a difference!
Thank you for all you do to make this world a better place.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Global Healing Quarterly Intention
2022 Theme: Heart
“I looked in temples, churches, and mosques.
But I found the Divine within my heart.” ― Rumi
Focus: Radiate
Quote: “Only from the heart can you touch the sky.” ― Rumi
Picture/Symbol: The glow of our hearts
“There is a place in you…that is the eternal place within you.
The more we visit there, the more we are touched and fused
with the limitless kindness and affection of the divine…
If we can inhabit that reflex of divine presence,
then compassion will flow naturally from us.”
—John O’Donohue
Ideas for benefiting organization: Heartmath Institute,
Ideas for ambiance: Heart shaped candles: real or LED. If you search Amazon there are many choices, prices, colors came up.
Music: Powerful Heart Chakra Healing: